Instrumente folosite:
-Masina: Lasso tool
-CocaCola: Rectangular Marquee tool
-Inima: Magic Wand tool
-Persoana: Polygonal Lasso tool
-The Lasso tool is helpful for drawing a free-form border around a selected object within an image.
-The Rectangular Marquee tool is fundamental for any Photoshop user, and if you don’t already know how to use it, now is the time to familiarize yourself with this essential feature.
-Photoshop’s Magic Wand tool was created to help users easily select areas of an image with just one click. You simply find the Magic Wand on the tool bar, choose which part of the image needs to be selected.
-The Polygonal Lasso is what you use when you need to select an unusual, angled shape. It is ideal for shapes that are not proportional and are therefore poorly suited to the marquee.